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2575 84th St SW, Byron Center, MI 49315

Four Fall Home Projects

Here are some helpful ways to keep your home in great shape!

Four Fall Home Projects:

  1.  Clean and Reverse Fans. Your ceiling fans have been hard at work all summer so they may have gathered more dust than you realize. Turn your fans off, and clean the sides, tops and bottoms of the blades. Reverse your fans so the blades send air upward to disrupt the warm air that collects near the ceiling and disperse it downward. This is particularly effective in rooms with high or vaulted ceilings and rooms with stoves or fireplaces.
  2. Clean Window Treatments. Use a cordless hand-held vacuum to remove dust from hanging window treatments. If you have hanging curtains, take them down for a gentle launder. While they’re down, clean your windows and sills thoroughly.
  3. Vacuum and Clean Furniture. Vacuum your upholstered furniture, and spot-clean the big stains as needed. Always test an inconspicuous area of your couch before applying any cleaning agent to a main area.
  4. Seal the Air Leaks. Check your windows and doors for damaged weather stripping and cracked caulking, and make repairs as needed.
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