When you have a babysitter in your home, they not only watch your child, but they also watch your house. That’s why we always recommend that homeowners take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of their children and their home by explaining basic home safety and functions BEFORE leaving. This will not only keep your children safe, but it will help to protect your home as well. Use this short guide below in order to give your babysitter all of the information they need.
Write Down Emergency Information
Keep a list of emergency contacts in an easy to access area. Let your babysitter know who they should call just in case you can’t be reached. You may also want to write down the phone number of a trusted neighbor in case they need someone immediately.
Keep Business Cards
If you have to leave your children overnight or for several days, it is a good idea to leave a collection of business cards for you babysitter. Leave the card of you plumber, electrician and any other home repairman that you may have. By leaving this information behind, you will eliminate the added stress of having to locate someone miles away.
Fire Extinguisher Safety
Before you take off, show your babysitter where you keep your fire extinguisher. You may also want to review how to use the fire extinguisher in case of an emergency.
Don’t Light Candles
Despite the age and regularity of your babysitter, it’s a good idea that you enforce a “no candle” rule. Candles can be a dangerous risk to your home and your children. If you choose to light candles when you are there, that is your choice. But, don’t put that added responsibility onto your babysitter. Eliminate accidental fires by keeping the candles unlit.
Share Your Escape Plan
We also recommend that families have fire escape plans in place. Review your family’s plan with your kids and your babysitter before you head out for the evening.
Review Locks and Bolts
While most people know how to lock a door, it’s important that you advise your babysitter on how to use your door before you leave. Explain to them what your protocol is for locking doors in order to ensure the safety of your children and home. If you have an at home security system, be sure that you explain how it works and what sounds they should be familiar with hearing.
Tour the Kitchen
Take a quick tour of your kitchen with your babysitter. Show them how to use the stove, where you keep your knives, and where any harmful chemicals may be located.
Do you have any tips about leaving your children and home with babysitters? We want to hear what you have to say. Let us know how you keep your home safe by sharing your tips in the comments below.
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