Finally, summer is HERE! It’s time to take advantage of the good weather and get out there, don’t you agree? One of the hardest things about this great time of year, however, is deciding what to do! And, no one likes hearing that famous summertime call from their kids, “I’m booooreeeddd!”
So, to help you out, here’s a list of things we’re most excited to do this summer in and around Byron Center. Hope that it helps!
- Movies in the Park @ Ah-Nab-Awen Park, Grand Rapids, every Friday night at dusk
- Kent County Teen Film Festival Encore: June 24 at 2pm@ Byron Township Library
(more details here)
- Eastown Bizarre Bazaar: June 27 from 9am-5pm Come enjoy the craft fair for the day!
- July 4th Fireworks @ Ah-Nab-Awen Park on the shores of the Grand River in downtown Grand Rapids
(more details here)
- July 4th Fireworks @ Dorr North Park
(more details here)
- Grand Rapids Balloon Festival: July 24-25 Carnival
games, balloon launches, “Light up the Night”, and more!
(more details here)
- Teen Open Art Studio: July 8 @ Byron Township Library
(more information here)
- Byron Days Festival: July 24-26 @ Centennial Park Join the community for a weekend of family entertainment!
(more details here)
- Byron Days Fireworks: July 25 @ Brown Elementary School
(more details here)
- Cookie 5k Run & Walk: July 25 @ Robinettes Apple Haus
(more information here)
So, what are your plans this summer? Do you know of any great ideas we should add to our list? Make sure that you let us know in the comments below. We really appreciate it!