Opt for neutral paint and carpets but add splashes of color with area rugs, napkins, flowers, pillows, curtains, drapes and towels.
Make the fireplace a focal point – polish your fireplace tools and arrange logs in the fireplace. On cold days, light a welcoming fire.
Selling a vacant house? Consider renting a few pieces of furniture to create a cozy atmosphere.
Just before showing your house, turn on all the lights – including closet and oven lights, and those over the stove and kitchen counters. This makes the house look bigger and brighter.
Place a small rug in front of doors leading outside so visitors can wipe their feet, particularly if it is raining or snowing.
To give your house an inviting aroma, pour a small amount of vanilla extract on a cookie sheet and place in a warm, NOT HOT, oven.
Want more ideas? Contact us at SREteam@SpicaRealEstate.com