The expenses involved with moving can add up quickly. From the closing fees to the moving trucks, every penny counts. So, to help your family budget your move and save money, try these simple tips.
Don’t waste money buying boxes for your move. Did you know that your grocery store gets rid of boxes every day? It’s true. Go into the produce department of your store and ask someone who works there if they have any extra boxes that you can have. They’re more than happy to get them out of the back room, trust us; so don’t be embarrassed to ask.
Did you know that you can change your address online through the postal service? It’s super simple and won’t take up much of your time. Plus, when you register online, they’ll send you coupons straight to your doorstep. This little trick saves you both time and money! What’s not to like about that?
A lot of moving companies have different rates for weekdays versus weekends. So, before you book your truck, take a look at their rates. It may be a lot cheaper for you to move during the weekday.
Your move doesn’t have to be all about spending money. You can make a little money, too. Instead of just getting rid of all of your things for free, try having a garage sale first. Why waste energy moving things you don’t like? Be sure to advertise for your garage sale, too. The more people you can attract, the more money you can make.
When you set up your utilities, you are privy to new customer rates and discounts. Make sure that you take advantage of this opportunity. You could get discounts on your monthly payments along with tons of extra coupons!
Hopefully these small tips will give you some big money back when you’re moving! For any other questions about your moving process, be sure that you send us an email today.
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