Should I Ask for a Home Energy Analysis?
One of the common questions potential home buyers ask is about the monthly energy bills related to a home they are interested in. Often the monthly energy bills (electricity, gas, water, etc) could have a large impact on the affordability of the home. If a couple seeks to spend $1500 a month on “Home” expenses, they have a desired mortgage amount. If the monthly energy bill takes too much percentage of their desired output, that could affect their desire or ability to purchase a home. It is a valid question, though its answers must be taken with a grain of salt.
Every home seller should be willing to provide a basic home energy cost data on their home to potential buyers. This information can be generalized by the month or yearly, but some starting point is helpful for buyers.
What buyers often forget is the data comes without many important factors when considering home energy costs. Home orientation, the average temperature a home is kept, whether the home is ever left for a season, size of family, length of showers, underground sprinkling usage, and more all play roles into the big picture of home energy costs. Take the data provided and use it as a guide, not a rule. See where the sun shines in the home, check out the furnace and hot water heater condition and size, see if shades or blinds could be installed to help cool or insulate a home, see what temperature the home was at when you arrived and see if that is where you often keep your current residence.
Yes, you can ask for a Home Energy Analysis, but it will truly only happen once a buyer moves in and tracks the data for themselves.