Should I Buy An Assembly Line Home?
In nearly every small town you’ll find neighborhoods and streets with houses that all appear to be the same or some variation of one of a few options. Builders have found an assembly line formula of success with many neighborhoods. These homes are highly marketable, fulfilling the basic key features of the majority of current buyers. They often hit target price points in desirable communities. Often, one can tell with one look what type of floorplan the home is. In southwest Kent County, many of these communities are built on 1400-1600 square foot ranch homes with very rectangular shape. These homes all feature the same basic 3 bed, 2.5 bath, far sided garage, and open floor plan of living space.
These ‘assembly line homes’ are not necessarily bad. They do serve a great number of buyers and hit many key items on desirable new construction home features. However, what these homes often lack is personality. Homes often reflect the inhabitants. Character traits that create unique individuals also set apart homes in the resale market. While there is a balance to ‘good and bad’ unqiue characteristics, there are many buyers out there looking for a home that goes beyond the beige. They are looking for a home that goes beyond four square walls and adds a little extra spice to life.
For buyers and sellers, there is nothing ‘wrong’ with the plain cheerios, but don’t be afraid of mixing it up with a little Honey Nut.