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2575 84th St SW, Byron Center, MI 49315

Spica Real Estate Tip of The Day

dice-18208_1280Spica Real Estate Tip of The Day

It is often ironic when sellers find themselves in the position of panic when their home sells. The end goal has been achieved, and yet they are in a panic and sometimes (yes we have had that happen!) they will reject an offer simply because they do not have a place to live once the house sells. In a perfect world many sellers would find that they fall in love with a new home and it will be held for them or it will become available just as their current home is being sold and the moving truck can seamlessly travel from one abode to the other. In reality, this rarely happens. Timelines get moved around, banks lose paperwork, inspections take longer, repairs have to be made, contingencies aren’t accepted, and so on. It is also a very stressful position to begin house hunting the moment the current house is put under contract in hopes of finding exactly what was being looked for. The pressure to find a new home and close it within a 2-4 sometimes 6 week time frame is not good from the negotiating standpoint, but it is also unduly stressful. Being forced to choose of the current inventory on the market will almost always mean settling or making an impulsive decision.

Our Spica Real Estate Tip of The Day: Embrace the Double Move! As you prepare to sell your home, prepare to move to some sort of temporary housing. This could be a month to month rental, family home, a snow bird away, or some clients have used their RV’s for the summer! The short term pain will make way for long term benefits of house hunting with a clear head, calmer life without the sale of the house being part of a puzzle, and open the option to inventory yet to be seen.

Trust us. Embrace the double move. Plan on it. It will be worth it.

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